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Jun 06, 2024

Make Money from Your LEGO® Brick Hobby: From Passion to Profit


Looking to make money from LEGO® bricks? With the growing popularity of LEGO® sets among collectors and hobbyists, there's never been a better time to explore the potential of this beloved toy as a profitable venture.

Make Money from LEGO® bricks: Understanding the Value

To make money from LEGO® bricks, you need to understand its value. LEGO® sets have evolved beyond mere toys to become highly sought-after collectables, with their value influenced by various factors that appeal to both collectors and investors. Understanding these factors can provide insight into why certain LEGO® sets grow in value over time.

Rarity: Limited production or discontinued sets become increasingly scarce over time, appealing more to collectors. Examples include exclusive promotional sets or those tied to specific events.

Theme: Sets based on popular franchises like Star Wars™, Harry Potter™, or Marvel™ Comics often command higher prices due to their broad appeal and dedicated fan bases.

Popular Franchises: Sets featuring collaborations with well-known brands or licensed properties tend to attract more attention from collectors, increasing their value.

Demand: Sets that are highly sought after by collectors, whether due to their rarity, theme, or unique features, are more likely to grow in value over time. As the LEGO Group's popularity continues to grow globally, the demand for certain sets remains consistently high, contributing to their increasing value.

Selling Completed LEGO® Sets

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Make money by selling completed LEGO® sets. It can be a lucrative venture for enthusiasts looking to turn their passion into profit.

Whether you're looking to offload some of your collection or turn your hobby into a full-fledged business, there are several things to keep in mind.

1.Identify Your Niche: This involves focusing on specific themes or sets that are in high demand or rare. For example, you might specialise in selling sets from popular franchises like Star Wars™ or Harry Potter™, or you might focus on vintage sets that are no longer in production.

By honing in on a specific area of LEGO® themes, you can target your marketing efforts more effectively and attract buyers who are interested in what you have to offer.

2.Where to Sell: Once you've identified your niche, you'll need to decide where to sell your LEGO® sets. Here are some platforms to consider, each with its own set of pros and cons:


eBay is one of the most popular options for selling LEGO® sets due to its large and diverse audience.


  • A wide reach allows you to connect with potential buyers from around the world.
  • Various selling formats, such as auctions and fixed-price listings, give you flexibility in how you sell your sets.


  • Fees can be relatively high on eBay, cutting into your profits.
  • Competition can be fierce, making it challenging to stand out among the crowd.

BrickLink is a dedicated marketplace for LEGO® set enthusiasts and collectors.


  • A targeted audience of LEGO® set fans who are specifically looking to buy and sell LEGO® sets and parts.
  • The platform also offers tools and resources tailored to the LEGO® brick community, such as inventory management and price guides.


  • BrickLink can have a steeper learning curve compared to other platforms, especially for new sellers.
  • It requires sellers to handle shipping and customer service independently.

The LEGO Group Forums and Online Communities

There are various LEGO® set and LEGO® part forums and online communities where you can sell your sets directly to other fans.


  • Built-in audience of passionate LEGO® set enthusiasts who may be more inclined to purchase from fellow fans.
  • These platforms also often have lower fees compared to larger marketplaces like eBay.


  • Selling on forums and communities may require more active participation and engagement to attract buyers.
  • Transactions may lack some of the protections and security measures offered by dedicated selling platforms.

Consider exploring multiple platforms to maximise your reach and increase your chances of making a sale. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to weigh your options carefully based on your specific needs and goals as a seller.

3.Presentation is Key: When selling LEGO® sets, presentation is key. This includes both how you photograph your sets and how you write your product descriptions.

  • High-quality, well-lit photographs: Showcase sets attractively, increasing buyer interest.
  • Multiple angles and close-up shots: Highlight set details for better understanding.
  • Detailed product descriptions: Include set conditions, completeness, and special features.
  • Compelling descriptions: Engage buyers and encourage purchases with captivating language.

By identifying your niche, choosing the right selling platform, and presenting your sets effectively, you can maximise your chances of selling completed LEGO® sets successfully and turning your hobby into a profitable venture.

Parting Out and Selling Individual Pieces

Parting out LEGO® sets involves disassembling them and selling the individual bricks and Minifigures separately. This can maximise profits by catering to specific needs and offering a sustainable alternative for buyers seeking specific pieces.

Understanding Parting Out

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Parting out LEGO® sets involves breaking down complete sets into their components, including bricks, plates, tiles, and Minifigures. You can then list these pieces for sale individually, either online or through brick-and-mortar stores. The process allows sellers to capitalise on the value of each piece, as certain elements may be in higher demand than others.


  • Maximising Profits: By selling pieces individually, sellers can potentially earn more than they would by selling the set as a whole.
  • Catering to Specific Needs: Buyers often seek specific pieces to complete their collections or build custom creations, making parting out LEGO® sets a convenient option.
  • Sustainable Practice: Parting out sets can extend the lifespan of LEGO® pieces, promoting reuse and reducing waste.

Inventory Management

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Effective inventory management is crucial when looking to make money from LEGO® bricks. Proper organisation and tracking systems help sellers keep track of their stock, identify popular pieces, and ensure efficient order fulfilment.

Best Practices

  • Sorting: Sort LEGO® pieces by type, colour, and size to facilitate easy access and inventory management.
  • Storage Solutions: Invest in storage containers, bins, or drawers to keep pieces organised and accessible.
  • Inventory Tracking: Use spreadsheets, inventory management software, or dedicated LEGO® part databases to track your inventory levels and sales.

Pricing Strategies

Determining the price of individual LEGO® pieces requires careful consideration of factors such as rarity, demand, and condition. Try to strike a balance between competitiveness and profitability to attract buyers while ensuring a reasonable return on your investment.

Key Considerations

  • Market Research: Research prices on various platforms to gauge the market value of individual LEGO® pieces.
  • Condition Assessment: Consider the condition of each piece when pricing, with new or rare pieces commanding higher prices.
  • Competitive Pricing: Price pieces competitively to attract buyers, but ensure the pricing allows for a reasonable profit margin.

Parting out LEGO® sets and selling individual pieces can be a lucrative venture for sellers with careful planning, effective inventory management, and strategic pricing.

Buying LEGO® Sets and Parts with Resale in Mind

Purchasing sets to resell them and make money is a strategic move that requires careful planning and consideration.

1.Spotting Deals: Look for opportunities to purchase LEGO® sets at discounted prices. This might involve scouring clearance sections at retail stores, taking advantage of sales events, or monitoring online marketplaces for discounted listings.

By buying sets at a lower cost, you can increase your potential profit margin when reselling them later.

2.Investing in Retiring Soon Sets: Keep an eye on LEGO® sets that are nearing retirement. The LEGO Group typically announces when sets will be discontinued, creating a sense of urgency among collectors to purchase them before they become unavailable.

Investing in retiring soon sets can be lucrative, as their value often increases significantly once they are no longer in production.

3.Keeping an Eye on Trends: Stay informed about LEGO® set market trends and consumer preferences. Pay attention to popular themes, licensed properties, and collector favourites. By understanding which sets are in high demand, you can make informed decisions about which ones to invest in.

Additionally, keep an eye on emerging trends and anticipate which sets are likely to become sought-after in the future. Ultimately, to make money from LEGO® sets you need research, strategy, and patience. By spotting deals, investing in retiring soon sets, and staying informed about market trends, you can increase your chances of success in the competitive world of LEGO® set resale.

Creating and Selling Custom LEGO® Creations Sets

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Designing and selling custom LEGO® creations sets, also known as MOCs (My Own Creations), is an exciting venture that allows LEGO® set enthusiasts to showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

Here's how you can harness your passion for LEGO® bricks to create and sell custom creations:

1.Harnessing Creativity: The first step in creating and selling custom LEGO® creations sets is unleashing your creativity. Design unique builds that showcase your imagination, skill, and attention to detail.

Whether it's building intricate architectural models, creating custom Minifigures, or crafting whimsical dioramas, let your imagination run wild and explore endless possibilities with LEGO® bricks.

2.Building a Brand: Building a brand identity is crucial for standing out in the competitive world of custom LEGO® brick creations. Establish a unique brand name, logo, and visual style that reflects your creative vision and sets your creations apart from others.

Consider what sets your creations apart and emphasise those unique selling points in your branding. Building a strong brand identity will help you attract loyal customers and establish credibility in the LEGO® set community.

3.Marketing Your MOCs: Once you've created your custom LEGO® brick designs, it's time to market them effectively to reach potential buyers. Utilise online platforms such as social media, dedicated LEGO® set marketplaces, and your website or online store to showcase your creations to a global audience.

Take high-quality photographs of your builds from multiple angles to highlight their features and craftsmanship. Engage with your audience by sharing behind-the-scenes content, offering sneak peeks of upcoming projects, and responding to customer inquiries promptly.

Additionally, consider collaborating with other LEGO® set enthusiasts, participating in LEGO® set orientated fan events and conventions, and leveraging influencer partnerships to expand your reach and attract new customers. By harnessing your creativity, building a strong brand, and effectively marketing your custom LEGO® brick creations, you can turn your passion for LEGO® bricks into a rewarding and profitable venture.

Make Money from LEGO® Bricks: Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to make money from LEGO® bricks. Enthusiasts can earn commissions by promoting LEGO® products through various online platforms such as blogs, social media, and YouTube channels.

Here's how you can leverage affiliate marketing to generate income while sharing your passion:

1.Writing LEGO® Set Reviews or Guides: Start a blog or YouTube channel dedicated to LEGO® set building tips, reviews, and more. Create high-quality, engaging content that provides valuable insights and recommendations to fellow enthusiasts.

By incorporating affiliate links to LEGO® products in your reviews and guides, you can earn commissions for every sale generated through your referral links. Focus on building a loyal audience and establishing yourself as a trusted authority in the LEGO® set community to maximise your affiliate marketing earnings.

2.Professional Brick Builder: If you have exceptional building skills and a keen eye for detail, consider becoming a professional brick builder. Many LEGO® set fans and collectors are willing to pay for custom-built LEGO® sets, such as intricate models, dioramas, and displays.

Offer your services as a professional brick builder to create custom builds for clients, including commissioned projects, event displays, and promotional campaigns. Showcase your portfolio of work on your website or social media profiles to attract potential clients and demonstrate your expertise in the field.

3.Brick Building Competitions: Participate in brick-building competitions and contests to showcase your creativity and win prizes. Many fan conventions and events host brick-building competitions where participants can compete in various categories, such as speed building, theme-based challenges, and creative building contests.

Use these opportunities to test your building skills, connect with other enthusiasts, and gain recognition for your talent. Winning competitions can also enhance your credibility as a professional brick builder and open up new opportunities for collaboration and exposure.

4.Sharing Skills - Teaching LEGO® Set Building Workshops: Organise and make money from LEGO® set building workshops for children or adults in your community. Offer hands-on, interactive classes where participants can learn essential building techniques, explore creative design concepts, and unleash their imagination with LEGO® bricks.

Whether you're teaching basic building skills to beginners or advanced techniques to experienced builders, tailor your workshops to meet the needs and interests of your target audience.

Charge a fee for workshop enrollment and promote your classes through social media, local advertising, and word-of-mouth referrals to attract participants and generate revenue from your LEGO® set building expertise.

Legal Considerations When Making Money from LEGO® Bricks

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When making money from LEGO® bricks or engaging in LEGO® brick-related activities, it's crucial to be aware of and adhere to certain legal considerations to avoid potential issues. Here's a quick overview of some key legal considerations to keep in mind:

1.Copyright and Trademark Issues: LEGO® sets, logos, and brand names are protected by copyright and trademark laws. As a seller or creator, it's essential to respect The LEGO Group’s intellectual property rights and avoid infringing on their copyrights or trademarks. This means refraining from using The LEGO Group's logos or brand names in your own marketing materials, products, or promotional efforts without proper authorisation.

Avoid creating or selling counterfeit LEGO® sets or using The LEGO Group's copyrighted designs without permission.

2.Resale Restrictions: While reselling LEGO® sets that you've purchased is generally permissible, there may be restrictions on the resale of certain sets, especially those that are labelled as limited editions, exclusive promotions, or tied to specific events.

Some LEGO® sets may also be subject to resale price maintenance policies, meaning that LEGO® sets should be sold at or above a certain price to maintain their value and integrity. Be sure to familiarise yourself with any resale restrictions or guidelines provided by The LEGO Group or authorised retailers when selling LEGO® sets.

3.Consumer Protection Laws: When making money from LEGO® bricks or related products, you are subject to consumer protection laws that govern online and offline transactions. This includes providing accurate and truthful product descriptions, disclosing any defects or issues with the items being sold, and honouring any warranties or guarantees offered to customers.

Failure to comply with consumer protection laws could result in legal repercussions and damage to your reputation as a seller.

4.Import and Export Regulations: If you're involved in importing or exporting LEGO® sets internationally, it's essential to comply with relevant import and export regulations, including customs duties, tariffs, and trade restrictions.

Familiarise yourself with the customs requirements and regulations of the countries involved in your transactions to ensure smooth and lawful cross-border transactions.

By staying informed about these legal considerations and adhering to applicable laws and regulations, you can protect yourself and your business while enjoying your passion for The LEGO Group’s products.

Understanding how to make money from LEGO® products involves considering a combination of factors such as rarity, theme, and demand. As LEGO® bricks and sets continues to captivate collectors and investors worldwide, it has become increasingly recognised as a valuable asset with the potential for significant returns.

Whether you're a passionate collector or a savvy investor, exploring the world that The LEGO Group has to offer can be both enjoyable and financial reward.

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